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Remembering My Mother (by Rev. Anne)

My mother, Chistine (AKA "Aunt Chris" or “Ma”), died in January of 2022 at the age of 90. We were finally able to hold memorial service for her last month at the Presbyterian church in Washington that she had been a part of for more than 50 years. Ma was a kind and accepting person and, although she raised me Christian, she supported and encouraged me on my path to Buddhist ministry.  She attended the Buddhist temple with me whenever she had a chance and also came to several NW District Conventions. Ma loved meeting and talking with everyone.  One of my happy memories...

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Altar Cleaning Has Begun!

On Sept 15 last year, we posted the good news that our temple's altar was not structurally damaged by the fire, but it would need a very thorough cleaning. Today that cleaning has started. Professional altar cleaners from Wakabayashi in Kyoto, Japan have arrived and started work! We are so grateful for their expertise and for the support of our community!

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Is It OK to Kill That Bug?

Happy August! Image: Embroidered Butterflies on a Quilt Square created by our Buddhist Woman's Association Although it is hot and dry here in Eastern Oregon and Idaho, in many parts of the world, including India where the historic Buddha (Shakyamuni) lived 2500 years ago, it is the middle of the rainy season, the monsoon season. And during this season the insects take advantage of all the moisture to lay eggs-- which then hatch, creating swarms of even more insects.  During most of the year, the Buddha and his followers would travel through the country sharing the Buddhist teachings...

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OBON Cemetery Visit Schedule 2023

Obon Cemetery Visits are coming up! We will hold brief services at various cemeteries in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. We enjoy having people join us at the cemeteries as we set up a portable altar and chant in honor of all the deceased. Here is our full schedule and map. Here is the full schedule and map *Wed, July 26 9:00am Ontario Evergreen 9:50am Payette Riverside 10:20am Weiser, Hillcrest 11:15am (Pacific Time) Baker City 2:00pm (Mountain time) New Plymouth Parkview *Thurs, July 27 Obon Cemetery Visit 10:30am Emmett *Friday, July 28 Obon Cemetery...

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  This Sunday July 23, 2023 at 11:00am we will have our hybrid Obon/Hatsubon Service at IOBT. This service honors all our ancestors who have passedand includes a special memorial for our members and friends who have died in the last 12 months ("Hatsubon" means the first Obon after a person's death). If joining us in person, come to the temple! Our last Obon/Hatsubon Service in 2023 was held under the awning after the fire. Now, we are back in the hondo (main hall of the temple)! If you want to join remotely, message us for the Zoom link. Come and see our progress. There is a lot of...

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