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Welcome to Hometown Buddhism!


Welcome to Hometown Buddhism! 

This is the blog of Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple in Ontario, Oregon.  In 2022 our temple will be celebrating 75 years in Ontario, Oregon.  We are proud of our history and are grateful for the Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans who founded our temple and helped it flourish by sharing the Buddhist teachings, supporting each other, and connecting with the larger community.  We hope to keep their legacy alive by continuing to share what they taught us.  
Up until last year, we did most of our temple activities in-person at our temple building or at neighboring locations in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho.  The pandemic forced us to put more of our material online:

Once we put some more of our materials online, we started hearing from people from around the country who wanted to connect (or reconnect) with us. And we realized that the practical and often relaxed style of our little Buddhist community here in rural Oregon might be of interest to a wider group of people.  
So here we are, moving slowly into the digital world.  We'll be gradually adding more content on our website and hoping to post a new blog entry every couple weeks.  There aren't a lot of us and we don't move too fast on these hot summer days so be patient with us!  We definitely enjoy connecting with former members and old friends, and we also like making new friends, so we are glad you stopped by.  Feel free to leave a comment and say "Hi" or ask us a question. 
We'll be back soon with some "Hometown Buddhism" blog posts. 
In Gassho, 
IOBT Assistant Ministers
Rev Kathy (left)
Rev Anne (right)